Monday 13 December 2021



The screening was preceded by a recording of the director's introduction to the film explaining how it originated and was much needed. Basically he used "Krudttønden" as a form of therapy.

Watchable. The set-up, where the events leading to a terrorist attack see daily lives of four people whose roads are to cross on the fatal day, was promising. But the movie's poorly written and directed. Excessive close-ups are pointless. Most dialogues are either awfully mundane or tediously philosophical. Even if it's realistic, it's boring - not a way to make a movie about a terrorist attack. It could have been a captivating thriller, it is a protracted drama. Wasted potential.

Finally a festival where the English and the Polish versions of the subtitlres were the same. Usually at festivals Polish and English translations diverge and I don't know which one to read. Shame so many people weren't wearing masks and one was even coughing all the time. 

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