Wednesday 8 December 2021


Recommended. I haven't read the book it's based on so can't compare. But the movie is filled with family warmth, the story's original - about growing up with a Down's syndrome brother, the first love, your position at school, the pressure of being cool. The film is fast-paced, sometimes hilarious e.g. when Jack is dumbfounded and introduces himself as Vito while Vito as Jack, and tear-jerking towards the end. Dialogues typically come to you from the screen and music from the sides. All actors, regardless of age, give wonderful performances. Costumes deserve a special mention too - everyone, especially Jack, looks cool.


Switched off. Ordinary family life, children playing with their peers and talking rubbish. The fact they are living in a refugee asylum doesn't make it any more interesting.

Reviewed from the distributor's screener. Cinematic reception might differ.


Watchable. While what engages the viewer are the parallel stories of Aleksandra Rola's MMA championship aspirations and her romantic relationship(s), the documentary paints a wider picture of Ola, her rocky emotional life and the MMA environment. What strikes me is how rude and demeaning her coach is, how much she relies on him in spite of that, as well as how demanding physically intensive sport is - everyone has sustained permanent injuries on top of the daily effort ranging from hard trainings to ice baths. The circle around MMA is the bottom end of the society, where violence and rowdy behaviour are the norm. That certainly explains why Ola endures the trainings and combat physically and emotionally. But I also did feel she might be better off with a psychologist instead of the coach. The film offers an insight into the world I wouldn't like to enter. The storyline is clear-cut, yet the documentary is not a sports one, more of a social picture. An ugly one and with little hope. Ola's rejection of her mother's love is also a bit disturbing. An interesting but often unpleasant portrayal of a lost person. 

Reviewed from the distributor's screener. Cinematic reception might differ.


Watchable. No consistent storyline means it's hard to make out who the protagonist is and was. While the movie sees several occurences in an Adam Chmielowski's life - this was intriguing enough to keep watching, there's little rhyme or reason to his actions. The plot is a mess. So is the cut. Off-screen philosophical commentary doesn't clarify anything either. It's a shame because technically the film is spotless.

Reviewed from the distributor's screener. Cinematic reception might differ.

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