Thursday 25 October 2018


Watchable. Cut a bit strangely. Starts with excerpts from the story you're going to watch. Later the action jumps to and fro all the time. The chaos aside, the crime plot is revealed gradually resulting in decent suspense. The story juxtaposes two ways of dealing with guilt: by a psychopath and by a regular person. The question of "what if I had behaved differently" is asked too. It's typically Korean so it's brutal and full of emotional yelling. The cinematography's pretty good, moslty dark, like the title implies, but clear and with orange hues of imaginary events. While both the Korean and the English title sound like Márquez' "Cien años de soledad" ("One Hundred Years of Solitude"), Polish "Siedem lat jednej nocy" is confusing and ruins the atmosphere.

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