Monday, 22 January 2018


Recommended. Apparently more than 215 children were killed in Poland over the last 10 years. The movie's inspired by one of the murders with bits based on other typical cases. Michalina Olszanska, who previously impersonated mass murderer Olga Hepnarova, is the title mother. She's amazing, expressing a great deal with her eyes. Anna Seniuk looks unrecognizable. The nasty photographer (Robert Czebotar) is very convincing. The young actor, Maciej Brozek, is very natural even though in reality his school and life position is totally positive. The title refers to the original versions of Andersen's fairy tales which were much more brutal. According to the psychotraumatologist invited to the screening as an expert the movie's psychologically true in all its complexity. A person with antisocial personality disorder surrounds herself with people who only adore her, she's oriented at her own goals. We don't know whether she was raped and had the rapist's child or whether she's a pathological liar. People growing up in a threatening house repeat the experience as adults - the man in the film does: his mother's strong and abusive so he seeks such a partner for himself, we don't know the woman's past but she's got no parental support, she's abandoned. The woman certainly experienced something difficult and tries to live a normal life which implies she's got a personality disorder, but is not a psychopathic killer. Such a person lacks self-reflection like "something's wrong with me". A person with a disorder finds it easier to move towards pathology when she needs a break, time for herself and that's what happens here. She's envious about her son's adult friend Kazimierz, she owns the child. If a child is brought up in a non-secure style, one mentor is needed - here Zofia's such a person. According to the other expert - a psychologist working as the spokesperson for children's rights whose office conducts about 50 thousand interventions yearly - kids love their oppressors, they just become sad and resigned, accepting. The film's powerful in its own right. With the expert commentary it's just easier to notice and to understand how it works.


Watchable. The trailer suggests science fiction or a science fiction comedy. Instead you get a cheesy and moralistic drama about human extinction. The pain of being a minority features too. The downsizing is thought through: shaving all your hair, exchanging dental fillings, the decreased cost of living, sustainability as well as downsized espionage, terrorism, people trafficking, punishment of dissidents. Matt Damon convincingly impersonates an average chubby middle-aged married man. But the tone is predominantly serious and condescending for the newly rich who only want to have fun. You don't get bored for a minute. It's just that it's weighed down with responsibility for humanity.


Watchable. Even engaging but... about nothing. Worst of all, each story has an unfulfilled comic potential.


Recommended. How to become rich beyond belief? First strike oil. Then make a deal with the Bedouin tribes, build a special tanker.... In summer 1973 John Paul Getty was the world's richest person and the first billionaire. The kidnapping of his grandson results in a duel of ruthlessness between the gangsters and the filthy rich entrepreneur who believes everything can be bought cheaper and insists if he paid the ransom he'd have 14 kidnapped grandchildren. A gripping crime drama with a psychologic subtext. As the chief of security remarks, something else always lies behind money. It's not the wealth the rich obsess with. Each of them fills a different void.

Виктория (VIKTORIA)

Watchable. Some people believe vaginal irrigations and jumping after an intercourse prevents conception. It doesn't work. Not even in the movie in which a life ruined by a sequence of events set off by an unwanted pregnancy is marginal to the impressive music - pompous communist-way or ordinary - and picture with atmospheric prolonged takes. It saves the plot bordering on the ridiculous. The baby girl is a born actress.


Watchable. A quiet, slow road movie in Russian, bits of Lithuanian and some Ukrainian. Little music apart from a beautiful, sad Ukrainian tune. The boy (Mantas Janciauskas) is cute and the story shown gently. The ending is picturesque but cheesy. The whole thing is too superficial.


Recommended. Heavy and unpleasant but excellent in its genre. Domestic violence shown so strongly it hurts. It feels as if you were the boy. Should be compulsory for all the police and judges who treat it lightly.

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