Wednesday 26 October 2016


Recommended. Paolo Sorrentino seems to associate Venice with young age - it featured in "Youth" and now in the upcoming HBO GO series. His pope is young, telegenic, has a flair for marketing, happens to fantasise about sex (would you expect nudity in something titled "The Young Pope"?), wears red shoes, smokes and wants Rome to become a suburb of Vatican City. He grins constantly, says outrageous things, is totally unpredictable which all give the film strong suspense. The dialogues are absolutely brilliant. The pope's first homily is formidable. I felt as taken aback as the crowd in the second episode final scene.


Watchable. The first half is annoyingly sententious and religious, the second (the battle) extremely brutal. On the other hand it's uplifting to anyone whose values have ever been confronted - if you have ever wondered whether to defend your convictions, this film clearly shows it's worth it.


Watchable. I wasn't laughing but quite enjoyed this silly comedy. It avoided "Hangover"-style vulgarity. Jason Sudeikis is as good as usual. Zach Galifaniakis has exceeded all his previous enactments. He's so convincingly happy-go-lucky and clumsy that the movie's worth seeing just for his sake.

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