Tuesday, 5 November 2024


Recommended. Based on a bestselling Belgian book. It's disturbing most of all. Repeatedly. It feels a bit pointless until the most horrible thing happens. And that, as well as the aftermath, hits you hard. It's a scorching look at how rape culture starts in childhood. Really smart, incisive, requiring psychological thinking all the time, especially child psychology, but rewarding. The title can be interpreted in quite a few ways. 

I'm happy I watched the movie at a Filmoterapia event. Both the shrinks on stage and the audience provided profound insights into each character's feelings and motivations. The psychologists also offered some clear solutions. 


Watchable. Scientific parts, mostly the shocking opening one - about how badly battered Jezus was, especially his face, are intertwined with religious ones - typical for religious documentaries and so spiritual you yawn, though one bit was truly touching and some other thought-provoking. Wonderful cinematography lets you travel round Poland and the Mediterranean Sea basin as well as see rare historical artefacts up close. It's a good one, of decent length too, though too spiritual for my taste. 

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