Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Past year's: 


Recommended. The plot is a bit experimental but from the initial chaos gradually emerges sense. Refugee relocation is tackled: "I'll find you a new safe place. Is that OK?" "We don't have a choice." There's humour with certain Indian family: "They don't look related." "What do you know? Families are complicated." Women rule. Cat lovers will adore the Flerkens. But most importantly the Imax 3D looks like never before - the new glasses for the digital screen may be part of the success because, whether in social scenes, on the spaceship, in the outer space or on fantastical planets, you're always as close to the characters and locations as if you were there. 박서준 (Seo-jun Park) plays an episode as Prince Yan of Aladna - the association with "Aladdin" is understandable. The Atmos sound, surrounding when needed, is fine too. Music varies from Beastie Boys to the score from "X-Men: Days of Future Past". There's an X-Men mid-credit indicating this cross-over in the next Marvels movie. The post-credit is just the sound of the Flerkens spitting out their passengers.

I saw a few minutes of the film in an ordinary size screen to doublecheck the 3D effects. And while they don't compare to Imax, the 3D is still irresistable.


Directed by Molly Manning Walker who was responsible for the cinematography of "Scrapper". She's recently turned 30 and celebrated her birthday right in Malia in Crete, Greece, where the action takes place

Recommended. British chavs on holidays in a Greek resort? Up to a point. We all have been there, done that when young. It's so relatable. Wonderful cinematography throughout, at times plays with light and colours. Lots of truly good techno. It makes you want to have sex. And dance. Best on holidays in a warm country.


어디로 가고 싶으신가요 (WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO?)

Walked out. It drags so badly I couldn't make out its point, something to do with mourning. The director studied in Łódź and seems to be resident in Poland so I guess that's how she's picked up this Polish penchant for the topic.



Recommended. This 34'19"-long documentary doesn't shock you. It's just an in-depth look at wartime Ukraine from the position of young people: what they do or don't and why, how they feel. It explains the volunteer burnout, survivor syndrome or indifference to air raid alerts. A bit unsettling how easy it is to get used to living war. Demolished blocks of flats and music concerts, clubbing, dining and sirens or losing one's uninsured car. The young people are very self-conscious and down-to-earth in their expectations. 


Recommended. A short film on a war waged on women by the authorities of Iran. Funny Persian is one of few languages that don't have gender. Because tortures, rapes - both executed as punishments have gender. Women ask bold questions: what sort of creature is God if it's going to hang you by your hair sticking out of your hijab? Their courage and determination bring some hope and are admirable in the face of the persecution they're likely to fall victim of. Still, the most shocking is the authorities' willingness to "discipline" them. They're out of touch with the reality of the revolution. The last 43 years were constant.

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