Wednesday 19 July 2023


Watchable. The title typography looks great. Hot Bartłomiej Małachowski acts as Lupus. And that's about it. No protagonist exposition. The viewer enters the middle of a story with multiple protagonists. Poor cinematography and editing. First the jerky cut makes it look as if they were halting every few seconds while driving. Worst of all, it was only half-way through the movie, that I started to grasp what it was about, then who was who and finally the rest of the intrigue. At least all those rap lyrics mean something.


Recommended. The heart-grabbing opening is totally unlike anything you've seen in this silly franchise before. What astonishes is the pro-animal message, mostly against experiments on them. The story appears to be partly inspired by "The Island of Doctor Moreau", partly by the Russian laika sent to the outer space, partly by Noah's ark. Technically - decent 3D, Imax unnecessary. A fun fact is director's brother Sean Gunn voices Little Rocket. In the post-credit the grandfather is reading a newspaper whose reverse has an "alien abduction" title and Pete is wearing a T-shirt with "Freakies", one of who is green. I used to think of "Guardians" as silly, for dumb people rather, but this part blew me away.


Recommended. Shot in Sardinia, Italy and Pinewood Studios, London, with Melissa McCarthy as Ursula and Javier Bardem as King Triton. As for the mermaid skin colour, there are seven mermaids ruling the seven seas so it only makes sense for each of them to look different. Ariel's glittering tail, all shell- or fishscale-like costumes, even octopuses are breathtaking. Make-up, cinematography, CGIs are all stunning. The shark is superb. The dialogues are wonderful, excellently rendered in the Polish translation by Alicja Roethel. Katarzyna Dąbrowska fantastically voices Blaga (Scuttle) in the Polish version. The movie conveys a mild environmental message but mostly is just a musical fairy-tale. Speaking of music, an instrumental theme echoes Ariel's song but it's Polish Sara James that performs most in the dubbed version. Only the end credits song is in English - the only one I enjoyed. Still, it's a top-notch fairly-tale movie. 

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