Tuesday 6 June 2023


Recommended. You hear screams even before the first scene at the opening titles, next, the first character you see is a professor teaching a class on slashers. The movie pays a tribute to the whole slasher genre. Courtney Cox (journalist Gale Weathers) is also one of the executive producers. Hottie Skeet Ulrich appears as a dad reflection. When you hear: "You're next" on somebody's TV or see: "Lavender Menace" on someone's top, some of the omens are red-herrings. Before the real end credits the movie pretends Sam's killer ex-boyfriend wrote the script.  And there's fun with the end credits. As for protagonists, in the end credits the words change to: "strong femme lead". There's a post-credit scene.


Watchable. Chaotic editing at the start confuses you as to the subject matter of the film. What kept me watching were the Cote d'Azur vistas and elaborate dresses. Since first you learn the region is "a sunny place for shady people", after a while it becomes a crime story, only to turn into a sombre drama towards the end. t's a bit of a moral tale on how easily we get fooled by youth, love and money. The cheerful vibe of easy sex, easy scheming, wealth within reach, French music facilitate watching this convoluted story. "People shoot themselves only in bad movies" - it is a bad one. 


Walked out. Opening credits appear on cargo containers and you can spot Przemysław Chruścielewski's name - both promising. But the film turns out to be a road movie about parenthood and about truck drivers and whores' relationships. 

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