Thursday 6 April 2023


Recommended. Starts with Trump elected and the woman getting no job. But that's just a brief reference to how far rape culture reaches. The main subject is how Weinstein constantly tried to intimidate his opponents. His count was 82 victims, even Gwyneth Paltrow was threatened. NDAs would shut their mouth. Eventually he got sentenced to 23 years in prison. Additionally he's facing London and New York charges. Brad Pitt is the executive producer, Zoe Kazan, Carey Mulligan (the Academy Award nominated lead in "Promising Young Woman"), Patricia Clarkson excel in their roles. A gripping drama on facts.


Watchable. Piece of Magic churns out a new anime flick every few weeks. They're all noisy, flashy. This one is similarly exhausting although it's the most stable of the 3 releases so far. It starts quiet, next comes a loud bit, then quiet, then a racket again and jerky cuts for two hours. But the music is fine and the end credits song even pleasant and catchy. The animation is kept in one style, with just little diversions justified by them being dreamscapes. The story where you can kill someone in their sleep getting to the core of their subconsciousness is original, the second half with demons rising in hierarchy mundane for the genre. Remarkable how polite the passengers on the train are. The yelling and acting out characters most likely manifest the part of the Japanese that can't be public.


Watchable. The story's eventful but far-fetched and however amiable the human and animal characters are, it feels odd, e.g. an aggressive charging unicorn. On the other hand, it's sometimes funny, e.g. when a prince tries on underpants, remarks they fit him well and the viewer can see they have an animal tail. In Poland it's available only dubbed in Polish but the translation by Bartek Fukiet is really fun, as usual. There's a mid- and a post-credit.


Watchable. A typical Polish drama, where a woman gets naked (an elderly one in this case yet a yearning woman representation), ends up in a mental asylum and the family is toxic. She ekes out an existence but one day tries to rob a bank. Then apologises. It's all quite consistent and her enigmatic behaviour keeps you wondering why.

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