Recommended. This biopic, covering the years 1956-1971, follows in the footsteps of "Wyszyński - zemsta czy przebaczenie" ("Wyszynski - Revenge or Forgiveness") and precedes the events of "1970" and "Gierek". It's engaging and a bit amusing, e.g. the anecdotes about a dotterel or the moon reflected in a well. All protagonists are made to look like the historic figures. Night shots are visible owing to the use of orange or blue light. Occasional modern music sounds superb. A thoroughly modern political thriller.
Michał Kondrat was going to correct 3 effects having seen the preview so I guess it wasn't quite as perfect as it seemed to me. Historian Prof. Paweł Skibiński had consulted on the movie. Authentic events and dialogues from stenograms were adopted. Even fictitious characters were compiled out of real stories. Maria represents real Maria Okońska. Magda, Janek, Kazia are fictitious. Sławomir Grzymkowski in the leading role looks like real-life Wyszyński. The actor learnt from the cardinal's opponents that he had used to be "twardy, nieprzejednany" ("tough, implacable") - he acted him more gently. Tomasz Matraszek who's worked with Spielberg in the past was responsible for make-up. Talks with Cyrankiewicz and Gomułka were 1:1 from the records. For Marcin Troński (Cyrankiewicz) "it was simple to act a son of the bitch." Cyrankiewicz was extravagant, liked his cabinet posh so they recreated the decor. Costumes for lead protagonists were tailor-made, lighters, cigarettes, glasses meticulously prepared. A historical reenactment group acted alongside stuntmen. It's an expensive movie - 2 years collecting the monies, 3 years production. The pacification of the shipyard workers took 2 days of shooting: the first day was for wide plans, the second for close-ups. Michał Kondrat wanted it commercial too hence stunts, CGIs, music modern at times - by Bartosz Chajdecki. It was the director's idea to contrast with modern music. A rehearsal before the protests scene took place at Skra Stadium over 2 days. The steel line scene was scary for Michał Meyer (Janek). On 15&17th Nov. 600-800 cinemas showed the move in the US. The film had shows also in the UK and Ireland last year, this year in France, Spain, Mexico, South America had regular distribution - the same version, maybe modified. The war episode actor was different - they hadn't thought of hiring the one from "Wyszyński - zemsta czy przebaczenie" ("Wyszynski - Revenge or Forgiveness"). That period in history was free so they filled the gap.
미드나이트 (MIDNIGHT)
Recommended. Ted Bundy-style a young handsome guy with a van asks for help. With the well-known result. A deaf and dumb girl proves smart and tough at work. You know you're in for a cinematic duel. The girl's predicament and the serial killer's manipulative tactics ensure a gripping thriller. The well-known concept of a murderer playing cat and mouse with his victim gets a riveting twist.
Reviewed from the distributor's screener, cinematic reception might differ.
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