Recommended. The protagonist is a severely disturbed person. But you don't need to be one to fly off the handle. Mum telling you to get dressed properly, being not needed when you ask around for a job, witnessing your father treated unfairly, being outbought by someone else, seeing your dream girl kiss someone else, being called a bad name are everyone's experiences. Luckily not everyone is as aggressive as to kill 35 people and wound 23 others in a mass shooting. The shooting isn't even shown, yet what you read in the final notes is shocking - there are more guns in Australia now than in 1996. And mind the ease with which he could acquire them all.
Walked out. Contrived dialogues - no one speaks like that in real life, with lots of foul language, drugs at middle aged people's parties, every few minutes the protagonists talk directly to the camera as if relating the story to someone, at some point a theatre-like choir or late saints appear - plain ludicrous.
Watchable. Excellent for its informative value on the war. You hear a lot about the mind games separatists play in order to torture prisoners and to deprive them of humanity. Also about Ukraine itself where being gay required heroism even at the time of peace. And how parents can't sleep at night having children off at war. Neither can the soldiers in combat sleep - because of nightmares. Yet the nightmares of war get diluted through some abstract blabber of the actors analysing themselves in the context of "Hamlet". Especially their squabbles are hard to understand. The war talk is more tangible. And their acting skills aren't always up to scratch. So basically theatre gets in the way of an otherwise good film.
Reviewed from the distributor's screener, a quality one, still cinematic reception might differ.
Watchable. Jola Dylewska's cinematography renders it immediately different than all other submarine movies to date. The inside and outside light conditions, frequent behind glass shots together with a range of sound effects: well-like human voices, marine vessel or sea noises, reflect what the crew must have seen and heard. The guys ar amiable. The downsides are: the set limited to one location, the mentioned warships and other vessels nowhere to be seen, incomprehensible communication and the lack of ending.
Recommended. They've moved away from part one. With a great effect. First they kill off Black Panther, following actor Chadwick Boseman's death. Later you're introduced to a water world. The movie is a complete story, with deep and clever war negotiations. Martin Freeman is fantastic - his character offers humorous bits. The girl genius is amusing too, especially when she tells how she built a quantum computer to break her own password. Sisterhood is big in the plot. The set decor and costumes are rooted in African cultures, even the Princess's talking AI is called Griot. Wakandans speak Xhosa. Sound is channelled surroundingly, usually with conversations at the front and music at the back, some coming from all over. There's an open ending as Jabari wants to become king. Only a mid-credit, no post-credit.
Recommended. London setting, wonderful cast. Sound effects are surrounding - voices can be heard on the sides.The spooks aren't really frightening. But the quite original idea is disturbing and the final scene startling. The concept is admirably refreshing.
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