Tuesday, 28 February 2023


Watchable. As typical for Patryk Vega, it consists of vivid scenes. This time he has shot his own biopic finishing with the disclaimer "All characters are fictitious." While those are all plausible, whenever the director turns his movie religious, it becomes ludicrous. Also, Rafał Zawierucha looks bored all the time which is barely credible with such a special life story. Fashion-wise it's off too - the outfits don't always match the decade. One thing depicted well is how full of himself he is.



Walked out. Shooting Tokyo in black and white is an insult to the colourful city. What's worse, here the pictures are dark and dimmed, you can barely see anything. Frequent jazz attacks your ears. Last but not least, I didn't come to see Japanese cinema to watch an umpteenth lousy underworld depiction. 


It's hard when there are many protagonists because you don't know who to hold on to. In parallel editing protagonists are reminded of all the time, the action becomes dense, it's time-saving. When the comparison of parallel and linear was presented though, the latter version confused me. Others thought it was clear but still weren't sure what came first. A flashback in a flashback or a scene continuous in the middle of the film was another comparison. Cuts serve to shorten the protagonist's change. The serial had a few scenes more so a recap was provided at the start of episodes. Still parallel cut. "Furioza" was cut from 3 hours to 2 hours 13 minutes. As for "Apokawixa", initially the character exposition was too long, while the journey to the seaside too short. So part of the exposition moved to the journey time as flashbacks. Those were clear for me, not for everyone. The intro used materials from TV, YT, shot on mobiles, his wife's eye - editing took 6 months. Later the parts became all parallel - in the script they were put down as separate scenes so it was clear it had to be parallel. He didn't read the script of "Furioza". Normally he reads first, then decides if to do. Next waits for the film to be shot and he doesn't re-read. He likes making commercials too. He quickly forgets films, e.g. 6 months later he works on it like anew. 


Recommended. This documentary about free runners performing mind-blowing stunts, including train surfing, is filled with the athletes' passion for parkour which is marred by repeated court cases, fines and even one prison sentence. They've all gone through hardships in life and aspire to be working class whereas they rarely manage to hold on to any job. I just couldn't stop thinking they should do the stunts or even act in movies and commercials - get paid instead of getting fined.


Watchable. A comprehensive documentary following the trail of Nigerian human traffic from Nigeria to Europe, mostly Italy, France, Germany. Other than the difficulty of following small amount money transfers or the fact the gangs rely on juju, you don't learn much you wouldn't have known before. What's remarkable in this film shot during the pandemic, the ex-prostitutes don't wear masks, the DA office workers do. Puts into perspective who fears what.


Recommended. People of power seem hard to approach. This documentary gives you the chance to get close and personal with a few top bosses in the financial world. Whether Switzerland, Hong Kong, South Korea or the UK, they're all control freaks, who plan two weeks ahead, have no children or "don't like kids" even if they have two of their own. They buy upmarket personal products, hire Feng Shui counsellors or executive career coaches, work out at home - every stereotype is true. So is the one about sexism in top men's circles. You need to be competitive and persevere, be tough. Still, even when you hear how exhausted they are, they beam with the happiness that comes with confidence and the great financial freedom of choice. The only choice unattainable to them is to work less. This fascinating documentary tells you all that in just 82 minutes. 


Watchable. A beautiful club platform dancer opens this movie titled with the name of the female goddess of beauty. Ester Expósito is perfectly convincing in the leading role of Lucía, the dancer. The building in Madrid, the planet, feminine power, including that over men (see the blood-letting scene) - the plot is mayhem, with some derivative horror gimmicks like presents called 'offerings' in the shape of children's tears or teeth. Gore abounds. The drug plot pretext is corny too. "Overdrive" by The Killer Dolls opens and closes the film. 


Walked out. This Japanese wannabe horror drags. Each shot is overlong. The mysterious music is evocative only for the first few minutes because it never changes. 



Switched off. Mid-way through the film I could barely make out who was doing what and when. Chaotic.


Watchable. The first scene is gross, the bullying in the orphanage, as if being unwanted by parents wasn't enough, depressing. The action picks up when the boy goes to his host family for Christmas.and meets their sulking daughter, because, as her mum put it collecting him from the orphanage: "they promised us a girl". The host parents though are wonderfully tolerant and kind and the place does evoke a festive feeling. Their urban adventures in not-so-picturesque Ljubljana are on the gloomy side again. So is their visit at his drunken parents' home. The final half an hour is heart-warming due to the kids' friendship, taking care of the stray dog and standing up to the bullies.

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