Wednesday 19 October 2022



Recommended. The 2021 Brazilian Oscar entry combines the tenderness of "Moonlight" with catchy tunes, both local and European, of 1980s, with perfectly surrounding music, in this delightful love story. Wonderfully acted by Pedro Fasanaro as Robson/Sara and Antonio Saboia as Daniel, the role of Sara's best friend is admirably cast too. It starts off like an ordinary drama but all the issues: father's disability, Daniel's own looming criminal case for an ambiguous incident of violence, are shoved aside by love, desire, mystery and determination. The title reflects how you become an outcast hiding your true self from people. The arid  landscape mirrors both protagonists' internal desolation. Deeply moving and attractive. I wish all my clothes looked on me as fabulous as on Sara. "Bonnie Tyler's "A Total Eclipse of the Heart" is the lead music theme, the song recurs a few times - always at the most heartfelt moments. Scenes are wonderfully choreographed: they don't dance but each subtle move of the duo and of the camera is precisely arranged. One needed to bring the landscape into the film so the drama of the human beings is set up against the forces of life and death, which is the harshness of survival in that region. The film, recorded in ordinary 5.1, screened in an Atmos room, sounded wonderful. Only the translation versions varied, I learnt that the Polish one was translated from English, not Portuguese.

Ramona Rey's concert of Maanam's songs was short enough not to tire the audience, her singing different than Kora's but enjoyable - I stayed till the end. The banquet was on the cheap side taken the huge number of viewers and with limited space the crowd felt even worse. But the small number of pastries from Lukullus I managed to taste were delicious. As for drinks, alcoholic or soft, there were just enough, owing to their quantity and variety. For me, they also offered a chance to taste new flavours.

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