Sunday, 11 September 2022


Watchable. This animation for teenagers is about body changes, personal freedom, the pains of being 13 and not allowed to see a gig. It also reminds viewers of the existence of Chinese culture in Toronto. In fact it peddles Chinese culture, though not all of it is different from Christian one - the ritual resembles an exorcism, yet differences are highlighted and the Asian culture promoted as superior and ensuring prosperity. The soundtrack comprises of typical boy band songs. Atmos sound is poorly used, no advantage of the advanced system. As for the animation, a jumper looks knitted, a rug plaited, the rest mediocre. A teacher's mug says: "math counts" - the pun's great but don't count on anything funny in the film. The story's predictable. Even though the film's not for young children, it's available only dubbed in Polish. There's a brief post-credit.

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