Friday 18 March 2022



Recommended. A mastershot of behind-the-scenes of a posh restaurant. Very realistic as numerous work issues mix with the staff's personal problems. Totally engaging since it's also a picture of customer behaviours. It becomes so heated I thought I was going to pass out myself. The post-credit shows the picture of the group selfie from the film.

The festival all took place conveniently at one cinema. KinoGram was a comfy choice since you could stretch on a couch - and try not to fall asleep. Sadly, the festival staff, though courteous, rarely wore masks and basically flouted all Covid safety rules. As for the films seen by me, 12 were superb - an exceptionally high percentage. However, most translations from English were off, sometimes translators wouldn't even get the tenses right. There was no catalogue. The printed schedule clearly demonstrated which movie or event took place where and which overlapped. The problem was with the legibility of small print on colour backgrounds in the dimmed light of the concourse.

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