Sunday 20 February 2022


Watchable. Dance movies have gone a long way since the 1961 original which Spielberg hasn't noticed. Only innocent-looking cutie Ansel Elgort as Tony kept me through this antiquated musical. Leonard Bernstein's original music, Janusz KamiƄski's cinematography provides such texture as if it had been shot in 1957 when the action takes place. By the look of the film you won't tell the movie versions apart. Costumes, including browns with pastels, look like designed by Paolo Gucci. Outdated dance routines, aged music - Atmos doesn't help, though makes dialogues crystal clear. The Polish translation where Jets become jets like those sewn on clothes also appears like from a few decades ago when Poles didn't know English. Speaking of language, the movie's half-Spanish with no translation, half-English, often with the Puerto Rican accent. The story's old-fashioned too, though I admit the trans boy's recognition touched me and I shed some tears at the finale.



Recommended. A saucy gay flick with serious undertones of finding your true self  professionally and your true love. Anyone who has tried to find their feet after a break-up can relate to it, regardless of gender and sexual orientation. All characters are amiable even if the first encounters take you aback. It's an engaging, touching story without sappiness.

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