Monday 15 November 2021


Watchable. The short film is partly a dysfunctional family drama, partly a realistic picture of the Polish society where people don't want to get involved when they witness violence. When family tensions are at breaking point, the puzzle is solved. Nothing special in the story or the way it was shot. Typically Polish.

Błażej Hrapkowicz, conducting the Q&A remarked the film transformed into a thriller with a riddle. The director explained it was inspired by how to build a family in case of contradict opinions, in particular the director's grandfather's cousin inspired the film character. 


Watchable. The short documentary shows a string of ordinary people confessing what they're afraid of. Rejection or death are the most common fears but also many people have their own anxieties incomprehensible to me. The division into days doesn't make any sense but the confessions give a fascinating insight into how vulnerable everyone is.

Each utterance took 2 minutes 30 seconds. There are 6 days because one woman said she feared nothing. The days serve as a division because the director needed to give a pause in between. The guy who feared he wouldn't set up a family is married and has 2 children now.


Watchable. The short film gathers a few sorts of problems caused by men - realistic but no surprises. 

The director says the ending was inspired by "The Graduate". The film was shot before the October protests and "Wypierdalać" wasn't in the script but they left it in. A month later it was shouted by many women in the street. 


Watchable. The short cartoon is on the artsy side but incomprehensible. To me anyway but I don't have floaters in my eyes.

Męty (floaters) are what some people, including the director herself, see in the eye. Someone from the audience remarked he had the same problem and had used to think he had been able to see bacteria so presenter Błażej Hrapkowicz joked: "Może zróbmy spotkanie terapeutyczne: nazywam się Maciej, widzę bakterie." ("Why don't we have a therapeutical meeting: my name is Maciej, I see bacteria.")


Watchable. The short film tells about a dim witted guy keen on bodybuilding and about how inspirational he is to people even though he's unsuccessful himself. Tongue-in-cheek, to the point and sad at the same time.

Piotr Trojan acted Eryk, wrote and directed the film himself.

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