Thursday 19 August 2021


Watchable. Gripping from the beginning when you witness a murder. Yet the majority of the action is toned down and light, with pleasant characters. Beautiful Grace Van Patten as Cassie sweetens up the tale of ordinary lives in a small town. The family life is engaging enough, with a possible betrayal or with a funny comment on a family tree school assignment: "You can't come with one fact?!" The ending, to me, is a loud voice against gun violence but I'm European and Americans might not catch the fact that without a gun it wouldn't end so tragically. But the finale is annoying being far-fetched, especially that there's no physical semblance between the relatives. In fact, whatever was fine in the movie-long introduction gets ruined when you realise those past incidents led to this ending, having been merely character building. It's better to see it as a drama rather than a crime story.

Available on a number of Internet platforms. I'm not sure how much my screener reflects the platform viewing quality. Mine was awfully quiet, could barely hear the original and the subtitles forced me to sit right at the computer. But it's a good film for platforms since I had to go a bit back sometimes to re-catch details.

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