Thursday 12 August 2021


Watchable. A feature-style documentary, constructed like an actor's film, with a personal story and distinct individual characters. You don't feel it's documentary at all. It's more of a drama which is true to life. Cinematography is typical for features too, e.g. the monumental shot from the back and above when doctor Helena Pyz talks to the school headmaster about tuition fees. The protagonist, the doctor, often acts obnoxious and has a boss to match which provides the dynamics in the film. Religion is depicted as oppression exemplified by father Ashton Rodrigues. At least his shenanigans come full circle. The third issue after the job dynamics and the Church colonizing children in alien lands, seemingly the main one, is the position of lepers in Indian society. It's a cultural issue, ingrained so deeply in the local culture, that only at-face-value-colonial oversees powers attempt to give them dignified lives. That's some food for thought. Speaking of cultures, why is Bob Dylan's ballad used in the film and not Indian music? That's off. 

Seen online, cinematic reception might differ.

The director, Paweł Wysoczański, is so arrogant and full of himself I recommend avoiding contact with him. I honestly can't comprehend where he's got all that attitude.

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