Friday 21 May 2021


Watchable. A zombie actioner starring agile Tyler Posey. What's new in the genre which refuses to die? Well, the protagonist is locked in his flat for over 7 weeks. One of early scenes includes an awesome helicopter crash. The hero's family is mentioned being somewhere out there via phone. Zombies are regular, no novelty here. The main characters' names are Aidan and Eva as if they were the first humans in the upcoming new world, post apocalyptic Adam and Eve. Climbing provides for a handful of curtain hangers. 1 hour in comes a major twist with wonderful Donald Sutherland. A satisfactory finale.

Seen online, cinematic reception might differ but, at least in Poland, the movie's only available online anyway.




Watchable. An 8-minute documentary. First you are made to listen to what you hear if you're coming from a culture presumed to be inferior - whether you make caustic remarks or express your admiration doesn't matter as long as you underline the person's origins. But the Sami attires the girl doesn't like mentioned are truly beautiful. At the same time, it's a local Swedish issue - I, for one, couldn't tell the difference between a Swede and a Sami.


I've seen it already but, due to a publication ban, I'll post the review at or past 3 p.m. Polish time (GMT+1) on Wednesday 26th.


Walked out. Based on a literary work - too literally: recited lines, the lead thinking her diary aloud, all characters talking in the same style with no emotions, slow pace, fake-looking snowing. 

But it was very pleasant to be surprised by a courteous welcome drink at Kinoteka cinema. 

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