Recommended. A totally female-made, entirely late-60s/early-70s-style, 2016-produced, Technicolor imitation. The costumes, make-up, hair-styling, cinematography and music are astonishing in the re-enaction of the bygone era. Skillfully shot, with always enough and never too much nudity. The 1977 version of "Suspiria" came to my mind in visual terms,"Barbarella" (1968) in terms of the female protagonist's provocative feminism sexy adventures. "Midsommar" (2019) appears to have been inspired by the scene where the couple are crowned at a Midsommar festivity which harks back to medieval times but those possible two-way pop culture inspirations and references stay on the margins of this original film. The visual fest, on a deeper level, is about the inability to attain love. And about all sorts of other relationship mishaps. Partly comical, partly criminal, thoroughly mysterious and alluring with the colours and shapes. The movie has enchanted me.
Recommended. Touching from early minutes and tear-jerking even if you haven't been that big a fan, informative both about Robin Williams as a person and as an actor and about his disease: Lewy body dementia. The story takes you to and fro over his lifetime in a perfectly lucid way. Expectedly, it's a tribute to the man loved worldwide but also a documentary which puts you right into his disease, inside his paining consciousness. By the end, you've understood the film opening with Robin's disconnected speech about the human mind.
Watchable. Engaging but disturbing - it often feels like watching child porn. Noée Abita, known from "Ava", is now 21 but still looks underage. I just felt disgusted with the film message. The only truly impressive moment was in the end credits mimicking snow blown in one direction as if you were riding down a slope.
Apart from the movie as such, I felt both envious and uplifted seeing that a minor can walk into a pharmacy and get the day-after pill over the counter in France.
Reviewed from online screeners but the movies will be on at cinemas this (Valentine) weekend. Cinema returns with a bang.
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