Sunday, 1 November 2020


Recommended. Darkish fantasy for teenagers with a strong feminist message. I don't think I've ever seen the 1996 original. From what I've read on Wikipedia, that movie, by a man, was brutal and the girl characters acted the way boys do in real life. Well, the new movie is by a woman, for women, where the girls and women act like girls and women do. And, although several tropes from the first act of the first film reappear in this makeover, it's far from a horror. David Duchovny, known among others from "Beethoven" and "The X-Files" has a role combining a family and the supernatural. The plot holds a handful of surprises up the sleeve, is well-paced, every girl can relate to the experiences and the added magic is wonderful, including visual and sound effects. Professional cinematography, inspiring make-ups, top-notch music ranging from Mozart's Requiem, via techno and electro, to a piece by Princess Nokia. First-class fun. 

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