Monday 3 August 2020


Watchable. The opening scene is brutal but intriguing. Then the broadcast pieces of news create a fascinating background where you'd expect riots or even large-scale lawlessness like in "Robocop". The social set-up quickly gets dissolved when "Duel" meets "Falling Down" only to turn into road-rage fuelled class B slasher caper. It's engaging enough, decently executed, fast-paced and, luckily, only 91-minute long. By the time rubbish has piled up, it blissfully ends. Doesn't make good use of the Atmos sound it's recorded in - it's fine but with no edge, at least when in 5.1.


Walked out. What a load of nonsense! Characters appear out of nowhere, robots make no sense in the plot, dialogues spread fake news, Covid-19 safety precautions are ridiculed. The movie's on the verge of being harmful. And so chaotic children don't get it either and become bored instead.

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