Sunday 26 July 2020


Watchable. Engaging action, with decoys and twists but the back story based on a ludicrous idea that "the liberal elites" "murder people for fun". Action? A mixture of: "The Purge", "Hostel" and "The Hunger Games". I loved the opening where a text message is zoomed till the title appears. The first murder comes way too early - the protagonists agree. Fortunately, the rest rewards you with new revelations at each stage of the action. The very last scene is a delight. I loved the music over the end credits too. But the rightist agenda portraying the left as bloodthirsty psychopaths screeches in the game mechanism. Some ordinary rich hunting poor "deplorables" would have been more convincing.


Watchable. Is Juliet Binoche in every French movie? OK, she's great in this one but I had seen too much of her elsewhere. The nun is fun - the best character and the picture's saving grace. One of 600 housewife schools existent in the early 1960s in France and the schooling depicted is fine. But the second half of the film is a far-fetched fable with Prince Charming turning up out of the blue and Princess Charming discovering her homosexuality all of a sudden as well. A rapid lesson in feminism turns old school obedient girls and adult women into revolutionary feminists overnight - hardly plausible. The finale goes bonkers with a silly dance ending in Juliet Binoche waving her arms like a windmill.

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