Wednesday, 13 November 2019


Recommended. Straight off Le Mans. Imax, I mean. But it's like being there minus the smells. The gripping story of natural born racers who live only to see competitors in their rear view mirror mixes tension, humour and, towards the end, sadness and regret, but it's mostly adrenaline- and serotonine+endorphines-based. They're seeing airplane evolutions in the air: "Who's the pilot?" "I think somebody we know" or during a race: "They want you to slow down" or the witty exchange about groceries after the brawl provide amusement. And even if you've never been into rotors and wrenches, now you will be. Also, on leaving the cinema, suddenly the parking lot, the smelly gas station and the car-packed road seem all that nicer.


Watchable. A mediocre film with average music. About an evergreen Polish rock band - nearly 4 decades in the business. Mundane scene and behind-the-scene stuff. Made me wonder why it's so popular in Poland that their gigs sell out. I think there are a few reasons. One is simple tunes that anyone can sing. Another one is that they're a reflection of the Polish society: the guys are partial to a drink and smoke, even ignoring the ban, they're simple minds, but commonsensical, use curse words a lot. Also, their lyrics mean something, it's not empty jabber. Except for that, the chaps help each other out. Last but not least, frontman Kazik Staszewski goes down on his knees to bow and thank the audience to finish each 3-hour long concert.


Watchable. Set in a Polish town on the German border with the highest density of hairdressers in the world: 43 sallons per 200 inhabitants. Of course they only cut Germans' hair, not locals' - all locals have someone who cuts hair in their own family. But the documentary, lengthy at its 70 minuts, is engaging due to the two hairdressers and their conversations. Especially the older lady's yarns create folklore, based on superstitions, beliefs like that a person's life changes every 7 years but also ghosts. Nothing much happens apart from her tales and comments on other people. And it heads nowhere.

HAIR (1971)

Watchable. 15-minute long but hilarious. The short Polish documentary juxtaposes e.g. the 10 am announcement of the competition start with the audience yawning. Shows an Italian singer whose performance resembles crying. "Everyday hairstyles" are commented on while you're shown a most extravagant fashion show. Disturbing pervy close-ups on women's parts detract from the amusement.

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