Wednesday, 11 September 2019


Watchable. The 3D is only barely noticeable at times, the Polish version is only dubbed which sounds puerile and you miss out on Meghan Trainor and Daniel Radcliffe's voices, all songs are also in Polish versions while in the original one of the songs is Meghan Trainor's too. Last but not least, doll-like characters are less pleasing to the eye than cartoons would be and it's just audacious merchandise pushing. But the movie's suitable for 3 age groups: children, teenagers and, due to smart dialogues, adults. The plot contains several pop culture references, including: James Bond, "Star Wars", "How to Train Your Dragon", Barbie's ponies, "Jurassic Park". Altogether it's fun. There's an early mid-credit and later songs intertwined with a conversation are heard along with the end credits.

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