Friday 30 August 2019


Watchable. It looks as if the producer got half the crew professional and half awfully amateurish. Superb cinematography is ruined by shoddy editing which means once you get to believe in the presented reality, visible, sharp cuts, videoclip-style but less skilled, remind you it's all made up. Nice music, western rather than Indian, is wrapped in Bollywood-quality choreographies but, especially in the first one, several dancers are plain fat. The plot is intriguing at first. Just think of 30 people hired to do a thing each so that none of them realizes they play part in a robbery. The mid-movie twist is quite predictable, the final one less so. Still, the movie's chaotic, the second part bores you with overlong chases and explosions and the savage hordes are over the top even for a Bollywood blockbuster. My highlight was the "Fast and Furious Delivery Service". But that appears early on and from then it goes downhill. No hit song either.

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