Friday, 19 July 2019


Recommended. Being in your master's good graces doesn't last forever as the documentary shows. First deified to the point where his blood sample was taken to a church, then hated beyond limits. It's a comprehensive depiction of the famous footballer and his life. All the film you can admire his incredibly developed thigh muscles. But the action is engrossing too and the ending makes you feel for him. Additional tension is provided by Antonio Pinto's music.


Watchable. For a bigger part it's like a night in the house of horrors in an amusement park since there are a number of separate scares of many sorts: videos, a mirror not reflecting precisely, recordings, a werewolf and several apparitions. Towards the end the spooks accumulate to the point of becoming tedious. Teenagers enliven the series and Bob playing a serenade and realising that the window has got empty even brings in some humour. But generally it's quite scary. Even the end credits are.


Watchable again. I caught more one-liners this time. It's so rich in top-notch dialogue it merits seeing at least twice. Excellent cultural translation into Polish. And the music including Bach, Strauss, Bobby McFerrin and some less known names is perfectly matched too. It's just a bit less engaging seen the next day again.


Watchable. An obnoxious advertisement of Uber extended to 105 minutes to make you pay for watching. Really good music, in the style of 80s cop movies, accompanies this totally ludicrous story with lame dialogues. Only the music keeps this pile of rubbish together.

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