Tuesday, 19 February 2019


Watchable. Fun. A typical Bollywood from-rags-to-riches tale, hence the protagonist's nickname. A few dozens Indian rappers ensure quality hip-hop. What adds depth are other issues: Muslim men taking second wives and mistresses, children of the street who deal drugs in exchange for food and shelter, patriarchy, caste division - dabbled in but vividly apparent. Ranveer Singh looks handsome, even if funny to Europeans when he applies eyeliner. The girl forgives him his cheating on her - so sexist! The picture ends too abruptly with the first chord of the winning song. Should have been played full, especially that it's  Bollywood.


Watchable. Typically Swedish meaning deprived of emotions. What's more, at face value it's pretty hideous and disgusting at times. Though an Oscar for make-up and hairstyling wouldn't surprise me. The plot, based on a short story, is unusual and, due to extraordinary characters, you don't know how it's going to develop so engaging it is. Realistically enacted in spite of the weirdness. What's it about? On a deeper level about humanity, but plot-wise it's a crafty inclusion of Scandinavian folklore into the reality of contemporary world.

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