Friday, 25 January 2019


Watchable. Entertaining but something's wrong: it's a cross between an 80s-style comedy from the ending of communist times in Poland and a modern silly romantic comedy. I liked some gags, e.g.: "Miałem tam studiować z tymi wszystkimi ludźmi przed 20-ką?" "Wyjechałeś zaraz po maturze." ("Was I supposed to study there with all those people under 20?" "You went there right after your school final exams.") or "Ta tęcza tu nie przejdzie" ("This rainbow won't do here" - a reference to rainbows symbolising LGBT rights which polarise the Polish nation) or in the end credits: "W czasie realizacji filmu nie ucierpiało żadne zwierzę. Nie wypalono również żadnego skręta i żałujemy tego do dziś." ("No animals were harmed in the making of this movie. No joint was smoked either which we regret till now.") but most jokes were plain not funny. Also too much music, too bad: a mix of Polish 80s, 2010s of no specified genre and disco polo and too loud. At least they got one thing right: the disco polo culture pervasive in the countryside.


Recommended. A beautiful story of ups and downs of a dog's journey from one owner to another and between roaming forests and living in cities. Unlike "A Dog's Purpose" - based on a book by the same author - this one has a happy ending. The movie presents a variety of amazing sequences e.g. of the dog with a cougar on ice. A roaring red deer appears too and looks like in a quality nature documentary. 

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