Friday 5 October 2018


Watchable. Unsophisticated fun based on revenge but with fantastic music by Steve Moore. Set in the corporate world where people covet a key card to the management floors and intrigues are rife. It's like several American Psychos locked in one building for symbolic 8 hours. Lots of stylish violence entails. Extremely well acted by Steven Yeun and Samara Weaving.


Recommended. An intense crime drama set all in a police alarm phone control room. Not everything in the story is what it seems. The guilty are both individuals and institutions. Masterfully acted by Jakob Cedergren and the whole background cast. Resembles Russian "Vindicator" in the way a gripping story is built from a number of phone calls. 


Watchable. Built entirely out of messenger or video chats and TV footage which makes it tiring to watch. If I wanted to browse Facebook or watch vlogs, I'd stay home. As a thriller though it's engaging, with a number of red herrings. On the social level the search reveals how people attempt to bask in the five minute fame around the missing girl ("I was her best friend"). The ending's predictably happy and cheesy.

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