Monday, 24 September 2018


Watchable. Black and white and pixelated. Shows the journey of the exiles to Siberia pretty well. The fence at the station looks like a dead end, a man in the carriage is sitting uncomfortably close to you. But the voiceover is slow and ponderous so it feels boring. Luckily it's short.


Watchable. A typical Cinderella-kind rom-com. Madonna's hallmark "Material Girl" gets re-made as "Material Girl (200 Du)" by Sally Yeh with Chinese lyrics and American melody line - not a coincidence taken the plot. On a serious note it depicts how riches are built on immigrants' toil and then those immigrants are looked down on. Bullying is the main theme of the film. The real estate magnates' wedding looks fabulous. There's an early mid-credit.

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