Monday 13 August 2018


Recommended. At least one cartoon which isn't crazy. Animation with plenty of varied textures taking into account different types of water and ice, each animal has different feathers or fur. The tale is filled with values of family, love, friendship and helping others. The plovers have beautiful big eyes. The storyline's clear-cut. There's a little post-credit.


Walked out. A black and white musical set in the Soviet Union of the early 80s comprising of lame covers of Western rock in Russian interspersed with drinking and smoking.


Recommended. Most suitable for nursery age children, even the joke with Margot - an animal whose name leads the woman to believe she's the chap's wife - will be understood by them. Extremely well shot and acted. The kids and the zoo animals are all cute, every adult looks pleasing to the eye and is well-meaning. The houses and gardens are neat and the streets are clean. The film's filled with love of people and animals. Ends in a catchy tune over the credits highlighted karaoke-style - in Dutch.

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