Thursday, 15 February 2018


Watchable. Fantastically enacted colourful 60s. Some tongue-in-cheek scenes, e.g. after Jean-Luc Godard persuades his wife out of appearing naked in another director's film and complains about pointless nudity in movies both characters... get naked, also the director repeatedly loses his glasses in public demonstrations. The highlight is the couple's conversation with their hidden motives given in brackets. The whole thing is on the philosophical side and affirms the need of living your life your own way. The title comes from the name of a submarine ploughing its way through water steadily. It also dabbles in the question of whether movies should be about life or made just for fun. Intellectual but pleasant.


Watchable. A children's movie about football. British, of course. And made of puppets. Plenty of puns and gags which fail to amuse. Characters are named e.g. Queen Oofeefa or Asbo. Jurassic Pork is sold at a street stall. My favourite is a rabbit captured in a hunt which runs away stealing a bowl of salad. "No dinosaurs or rabbits were harmed during making this feature."

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