Saturday 18 November 2017


Малыш и Карлсон (JUNIOR AND KARLSON)
Карлсон вернулся (KARLSON RETURNS)

Watchable. The cartoons from 1968 and 1970 look and sound archaic but the stories based on Astrid Lindgren's are nice for little children and only 20 minutes each.


Watchable. A typical blockbuster with obligatory cheese. Less ironic than "Время первых" ("The Age of Pioneers" aka "The Spacewalker" aka "Spacewalk"), with just one good joke about cosmonauts always having daughters, with little banter but also based on facts and approved of by the original astronauts. For all fans of the outer space also due to fascinating views of Earth from space, including aurora. Documentary scenes over the credits. 


Recommended. Engrossing and entertaining. One room, one guy and lots of phone calls. A few hours to solve a riddle and life-changing revelations along the way.

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