Wednesday 9 August 2017

I was one of interviewees for a Korean documentary on Poland today which was a fascinating experience but long and, which I didn't feel at first, ultimately exhausting. Re-thinking all of it just deprived me of all my energy. Well, of course my concerns are about my own performance while the crew seemed to care more about our reception of Korea than theirs of Poland. Still, they were totally nice and I'm happy I took part in it, whatever the outcome may be.


Watchable. A typical family movie about a dog. The beginning is sad - the situation is like mine: dogless and only watching them at the cinema. The middle is more cheerful, with some hilarious bits, like the fragment when the boy tries to train the dog - I've just chuckled again remembering it. The ending is sad again. I wish movies about pets had more optimistic endings.

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