Friday, 30 September 2016


Watchable. My first impressions: needless nudity, pointless violence, a run-of-the-mill film gave way to a bewilderment at the science fiction layer soon revealed yet didn't disappear completely. The SF layer is intriguing indeed: the androids through reveries tap into long lost memories and, as their creator says, long lost memories alter us, evolution is a result of mistakes and we come to this world as an effect of an illusion. Great music, views of Wild West landscapes, the hosts are remarkably well acted and I guess it's not easy to enact numerous personality changes over less than a minute. Calling the Westworld androids hosts reminds me of "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer - here they're benevolent as well, however it's them being used by humans, not the other way round. Poor translation into Polish (e.g. reveries, core to the plot, don't get translated at all).


Watchable. Based on facts which I generally like. Starts in a horror style where the protagonists' day-to-day lives are marred by ominous signs. Later, however, the film goes along glory-to-the-heroes lines. Lots of wooden dialogues.

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