Friday, 16 September 2016


Watchable. Very good crime mystery with some brilliant lines, e.g. "Nie jestes feministka?" "Jesli pytasz o to, czy sypiam z komisarzem, to juz nie." ("You're not a feminist, are you?" "If you're asking if I sleep with the officer - not any more.") and lots of twists and turns of action. A bit too many set-ups but played interestingly. Each character is a fascinating distinct personality. Some loops don't close though, e.g. what about Ana's father? What with the property case? The "Silesian" doesn't speak with Silesian accent and her family roots are too twisted to stand. I must add I loved the plane scene at the ending.


Watchable. In a dream-like world times mix. Aloys lives like a few decades ago but has got a modern smartphone. The story however is on the margin of SF. It's rather trying to face the discrepancy between your real partner and an imagined one. The film's dull yet atmospheric in an old-fashioned way.

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