Friday 15 July 2016


Watchable. Horror-wise there's not much to talk about. It starts scaring early on and scares every few minutes but in a jumpy way and actually I jumped only twice. Like with a number of recent horrors, here the realistic layer is more attractive. All the major characters, apart from the spook, obviously, are likeable, Teresa Palmer (Rebecca) is beautiful with fabulous long blonde hair and cool make-up so it's nice and easy to follow their story. The story, however, is a mix-up: logical and ideological. It lacks logic at times, e.g. when a protagonist gets a creased slip of paper saying: "I need help", they abandon the rescue attempt after a few minutes. At the same time ideologically it's incoherent as if the scriptwriters couldn't make up their minds whether to be sexist or not to be sexist. Rebecca is fiercely independent but in a manly manner - she's been having sex with a guy whom she'd kick out always in the morning. Luckily, in spite of the actress being hot, there's no nudity in the film. Still, her rationality is countered with two unstable women: her mother who's been on antidipressants for a few decades and a female psycho/monster/spook both of whom met... in a psychiatric hospital.

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