Thursday 28 July 2016


Recommended. 145 minute long with no second redundant. The story's tense and intense and a few surprises await. Made by Park Chan-wook of "Oldboy" fame, it contains just one brutal scene, well, physically brutal anyway. Telling stories plays a bigger part and puts the viewer in the same position as the gentlemen seeking unwholesome excitement under the guise of high culture. Music, cinematography, masterfully rationed nudity attract the eye and the ear. Heavy ending. The soft song over the credits doesn't soften the film - just the opposite: the sharp contrast only strengthens it.


Watchable. Great animation with very good 3D. Water glistens, meteorites shines and the animals have toy-like furs. What's annoying is the dialogues which sound like drunk teens' who are too cool for school. It's chaotic too.

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