Thursday, 22 January 2015


Watchable. "Black Swan" it isn't. For the first half an hour I seriously considered walking out - it was chaotic, full of cliches and about theatre. Later on it started becoming better and better with an excellent ending with obvious references to Aronofsky's "Black Swan". The main character's loud thoughts were annoying throughout. Brilliant music during final credits.


Walked out. I left half an hour into the movie, already after about a dozen others had gone out. The megaproduction is a total misunderstanding and a miserable dumping of the money into the project. Theatrical acting, poor cinematography, weird music between scenes, slow pace, ridiculous plot.


Watchable. Not the best but not the worst of Tim Burton's. The main minus is Amy Adams acting like a sweet idiot rather than a downtrodden wife. Christopher Waltz is more convincing. The story is quite interesting showing how admirable work performance and selling it are two different things.


Recommended. Two beautiful leads, distinctly portrayed characters, delightful British accent, perfect acting, a moving story with good twists, good music. I just loved every minute of it.


Watchable. The mix of sophistication and vulgarity does work out even if I disliked the vulgar part. The best thing about the movie is its playing stereotypes, especially Mortdecai's gentlemanly manner of speech and cultural clashes, e.g. the Englishman in California: "I miss out rain and indifference."

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