Thursday, 8 January 2009

I went all the way down to Ilford last night (1.5 hours from my workplace) to see "Silambattam" after checking with the cinema a week earlier if this Tamil movie was shown with English subtitles. I was pretty upset to find out on arrival that, contrary to what I was told on the phone, it wasn't. So I had a movie-less night but at least that cinema stocked "The Narnia movie companion book" so I could finally use my voucher to get the freebie.

My wake-up coffee today got me pondering about free stuff and more precisely about free coffee and that inevitably led my thoughts to the cinema again. Here is how:

In one of my previous jobs I had a colleague with a brilliant sense of humour. We lived close to each other so we often took the same bus to work. Once, after an argument about the fastest walking route from the bus stop to work, we made a bet. He took the escalator up to the walkway and I took the street to the downstairs entrance. On arrival I found him in the staff room standing in a relaxed pose preparing coffee with a triumphant smile: "You see, it gives me plenty of time: coffee".

My second coffee memory is from my coffee shop job. I would take customers' orders and shout them out to our incredibly good and fast barrista. Once I misheard an order, then corrected it but by the time the wrong type of coffee had been ready. When the queue passed the barrista came up to me energetically with a cup: "Your coffee".

And all these memories inevitably reminded me of one of my favourite movie scenes. Remember "Men in black"? The sceptic recruit doesn't believe in aliens. Then the agent nonchalantly opens the door to the kitchen full of extraterrestials and asks: "Are you sure you don't want some coffee?"

Never misunderestimate (quoting "W.") the humble drink. Coffee is meaningful stuff.

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