Recommended. Life imitates art, as Oscar Wilde would say. The riveting action is so movie-like, it's hard to believe it's based on a true story. You learn of the scale of child trafficking operations, why they're so successful and state institutions powerless. The story about a guy who went the extra mile opens with angelic music. Next comes a shocking twist of action, already before the opening credits. Each scene is evocatively shot, intense, gripping. Top-notch cinematography enhances the climate. Bill Camp as Vampiro and Jim Caviezel as Tim Ballard stand out even among the all-superb adult and child cast. It's probably the most incredible movie of the year 2023. A shock follows a shock throughout the plot, e.g. it's a fact Miss Cartagena Kelly Suárez was charged with pimping and pandering minors to pedophiles. The final shock is the statistics given in the ending.
Reviewed from the distributor's screener, cinematic reception might differ.