Tuesday, 19 August 2014

10.000 KM

Walked out. Go and find a relationship of your own - it will be more interesting than the one on the cinema screen + via Skype.

Thursday, 14 August 2014


Watchable. It's not very comprehensible. From the beginning till the lookalikes' first contact it was hard to understand what was going on. As the story develops, it gets better and better. Architecture makes impression. I haven't read the book by Jose Saramago but it's said that the movie is flat in comparison to the book which makes for a great book recommendation.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014


Watchable. Standard action and fiction fare with a hot kickass lady in a skimp dress. Based on the false premises that we use only 10% of our cerebral capacity, scientifically it's rubbish and nonsense. Lots of inconsistencies within the plot. The makers of the movie must have used less than the usual 100% capacity of their brains indeed.

Monday, 11 August 2014


Walked out. Slow, boring, about dysfunctional relationships and lesbians - ugly ones.

Sunday, 10 August 2014


Watchable. Involving and psychologically credible, with good suspense but it lacked something - I think the acting was too mundane, with little showmanship.


Watchable. I was curious of Taiwan and the ambiguous relationship of the two boys. The character of the mother didn't keep me glued to the screen. The pace of the film was too slow for me as well.


Recommended. Probably the same version I saw in childhood as the ending and music score were changed for the US market only. A cult movie whose love of depths brought on a whole generation of divers. The film is perfect in all ways.


Watchable. Beautiful views of a bridge with forested isles in the background. Elderly Arnold Schwarzenegger and fat Sam Worthington. Standard action plot, low-end humour.


Watchable. Wooden acting. Good script. Crime in the afterlife is the best description. It's also the best idea in the plot. Humour exists but, due to poor acting, is not as prominent as it should. My fave bits were: "Myślelismy, ze wino mu nie wszedło" ("We thought the wine didn't went down with him"), "Gwiazdy tańczą po lodzie" (a pun meaning either: "Celebrity Dancing On Ice" or "Celebrity Dancing After A Blow Job"), "Szalet damsko-męski U Damiana" ("Male-female Toilet At Damian's") and on a store: "Artykuły monopolowe, budowlane, AGD i inne" ("Off-licence, building, household and other products"), the hanging and the final scene.


Watchable if you want to compare the versions. Trashy though a bit less trashy than the new one. A cross between "The Exorcist" and "Psycho" - demons run with daggers.

Screening open-air leads to funny effects, e.g. the protagonists hear a noise from the cellar. One of them dismisses it as "It must be some animal.". They go into the cellar, search it in silence for a few minutes and then... a dog in the audience barks.