Saturday, 30 April 2011


Watchable. The silly and far-fetched story, interspersed with Adam Sandler droning on and on about his relationship problems, is fast-paced and provides good situation humour every now and then.

Sunday, 17 April 2011


Seen again. The Oscar-awarded visual effects are few and far between. The characteristic music in the whole movie sounds too repetitive. The plot is much easier to grasp the second time round though.


Recommended again. Brilliant editing, script, acting (especially by underrated Mila Kunis). Left me shaken again.


Watchable. A disappointing, superficial film telling you that it's hard to stand the pressure of belonging to the royal family and that it can make you stammer. The speeches are just as lengthy and boring as irl. Good acting prevents viewers from falling asleep.


Walked out. For boxing enthusiasts only. Made in a way that should appeal to the working class.

Monday, 11 April 2011


Recommended. I didn't expect I'd enjoy it so much but it was exactly the kind of movie I like: good twists of action, witty lines (e.g. "What have we got here? A dodgy guy I haven't seen in years is offering me a potentially dangerous untested drug... Yes, I want it."), fast-paced editing, an inventive story, references to other films (e.g. "Don't wear the same suits - it's not Matrix" or "If I worked for you, it would make you my bitch"). First-class entertainment.

Thursday, 7 April 2011


Recommended. The movie's powerful, it thrusts you into the seat. I'm still recovering.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Watchable. Boring to the point where I considered walking out but with some really good laughs here and there. No funny lines, just situation humour so if you endure the movie you get rewarded occasionally.

Sunday, 3 April 2011