Thursday 10 October 2024


Recommended. While this documentary tackles the Volhynian massacre, it's gentle. No archives, just Volhynia nowadays and a young woman from Poland looking for the traces of her grandfather's early childhood experience. It's verdant, quiet, people friendly. On the way, apart from occasional stories about the massacre retold as hearsays, she discovers that many Ukrainians warned Poles or even hosted runaways from the massacre - the first time I've heard of the good ones. Comforting. It also proves it's hostilities that lead to such events. As the Ukrainian cinematographer concludes: "There are many bad people in the world. There are also many good ones."

It's a Polish-Ukrainian co-production. There were initially 24 versions of the film, edited just before the full-scale war. The documentary was consulted by 6 historians, mostly Prof. Motyka. There was a cold-blooded political plan to eradicate Poles, by decision by Banderite OUN: if there are no Poles, there's no conflict. Bones coming onto the surface of the ground are common, that's why the protagonist came across some.

Thursday 3 October 2024

 What's coming up?


Their autumn schedule is based on 3 pillars: humour, scandal, mystery. 

Humour can be found in comedy shows starting on Sunday 13 October. Their recording is regularly prolonged by a few hours because the team make each other laugh. Raunchy jokes on breakfast TV are to be expected. To me, they're too vulgar to amuse. Elderly people are said to laugh most - maybe I'm just too young for that. 

A new season of "To leci w sieci" presenting click baits is already on - no Polish is needed to understand those videos of blunders.

"Alf" has come back, yes, the 80s show is already on.

Season 3 of "Dom w cenie mieszkania" starts on 6 October. The show tells you how to build a 200K-300K oasis of luxury within 2 weeks. Is it worth to move out of the city flat? "You can have 20 houses with no fence and tranquility or a noisy neighbour behind the fence - there's no rule." as presenter Kuba Midel says.

Season 2 of "Zabójcze potrawy" starts on 9 November. Whereas season 1 covered Asia, season 2 will be devoted to South America. Now the Amazon water levels are very low due to the climate disaster. Still, Jarek Nowak ate lizards or fish from the depths of the sea. Bolivia has 40% of oxygen - "football teams playing there try to draw." When Bolivians get down from 4 thousand metres above sea level they swell, which passes after a week. Now eating monkeys and frogs is forbidden by Peru. Jarek Nowak is only afraid of brains and eyes because of prion diseases. He met very friendly people in South America, especially in the Amazon. 

A new season, from early 2025, of the Polish version of British "Naked Attraction" - "Magia nagości. Polska", in order to reach a young audience, will be presented by influencer Julia Oleś who's a big fan of the original version. It's a dating show with all body shapes and sizes and an uncertainty of who will be chosen by the participant. One episode in spring is going to be in Julia's native Silesian.

From Monday to Friday documentaries are on offer. Those on Hitler are extremely popular. But you can also learn of tech novelties, e.g. drones which already transport people in Dubai or realise hens make friends with each other.


Starting this Friday, the festival brings several promising titles I'm dying to see and one picture I had a chance to see already, at Warsaw Film Festival,  "뉴 노멀" ("New Normal"). I'm in for a lot of fun.

Sunday 22 September 2024


The director likes villainous characters who are a bit fragile so that you can understand them. The new protagonist is inspired by his friend who's a volunteer doctor daytime and a drag queen at night.

Recommended. The sequel to cracking "Maschile singolare" ("Mascarpone") hears: "It's enough to stick to the recipe" - true, it emulates part one. It's less crazy and flippant, the sidekick girlfriend accountant is a major character now and is superb and a true supporting role. She stands out even among the fine performances all around, no matter how big or how small the role. The story's sometimes funny, e.g. when a protagonist hears of a husband who used to love pastries and thinks he's dead - the guy turns out to be live and kicking, he's just developed diabetes. It's touching again. I think I cried even more than at the first movie, so palpable Antonio's despair was, but at least this time no one dies. The very final scene is heartening and grabs you in suspense. 

They've already got the screenplay of part 3 but the production relies on the little money they receive from Amazon Prime. The actors in real life weren't as dashing as in the movie which only proves the cinematography, make-up etc. were superb in the film. In the English version the patisserie is called "Denis" and the movie was translated from Italian to Polish via English which explains why "Da Denis" ("At Denis's") has become "Dla Denisa" ("For Denis") in the Polish one. I personally think "U Denisa" ("At Denis's") would be not only closer to the original but it would also reflect they were happy there. 

Wednesday 18 September 2024


It was an industry debate. Lots of support for arthouse or documentaries was expressed. Studio Munka was praised as producers and Cannes Festival as apolitical. A report on the condition of the audiovisual industry for the banking sector is vital so that they can credit-check the producers. KIPA (Polish Producers Alliance) is teaching producers how to test the audience at the development stage. "Delegacja" ("Delegation") or "Ultima Thule" were distributed by producers. Mostly niche arthouse has distribution issues. There's no stability, financing rules by public institutions change too often to adjust the production, especially documentaries need 3 years to collect funding. Microbudget programs are often used by production debutants. One of female producers was carried out by the PISF (Polish Film Institute) security guards. There's a problem with microbudget programs, because in result the film has no distribution or the scriptwriter gets no money. Netflix signs contracts in such a way they can exchange creators. There are no youth serials any more - the lead must be above 30 to attract bigger audience - the algorithms determine that. Film schools don't support enough, they tend to be hostile to students even more than the world afterwards. Most of the debate was grumbling by people destroyed by the system. No one from the film industry was at the Filmoteka Narodowa council. Rich Polish Television hired people on junk contracts even 8 years ago. Archives lost their competent employees. "Hunger Games" had 20 shooting days in Wrocław but Poland was unseen in promotion, no return on the investment. 

Following the SAG-AFTRA strike last year, now a density of new releases is to be expected in the second half of 2024 and the first half of 2025. Budzyń, Pyrzowice etc. small town cinemas sell more than 45% tickets for Polish movies. There are 20 Polish cinema distributors in Poland, on paper anyway. Polish cinemas represent high standard. Cinema has survived video, DVD, Blu Ray - some of the technologies even aren't there any more. The promotion campaign of Święto Kina (Cinema Celebration Day - my own translation) which takes place twice a year costs Cinema City 300 million zlotys. All cinema groups were indebted after the pandemic. 2023 was 20% up in comparison with 2022, but still 20% lower than 2019. In 2019 more than 26% of tickets sold were Polish movies, though yearly it's less than 20%. 2022 saw 347 films, including 112 full-length films produced in Poland. 1.5 films a week premiere at the cinema. 


Switched off. They just drone on and on about someone killed, walk down long corridors in betweeen and waffle again.

Reviewed from the distributor's screener, cinematic reception might differ.

Tuesday 10 September 2024


As usual with this festival, I only attended some screenings, time allowing.



Watchable. Nothing to do with whales, well, there is some humpback sound kind of mixed with the background music, but the tale is about a man. It's a bit crazy and chaotic but very stylish - Polish early 90s and a set of peculiar characters. 


Watchable. A cathartic drama about a relationship between a speech therapist and her patient. Totally engaging. Perfectly acted. Still, while it looks as if there was some secret behind them two, nothing else happens. Simple yet effective.


Watchable. A day in the life of a salesman. Crazy incidents abound, each driven by the bizarre characters he encounters.I loved a hilarious bit: "Obrus prababci sprzed wojny! Nic tego nie spierze." "Ależ spierze! Najlepsza chemia z Niemiec" ("Great grandma's tablecloth from before the war! Nothing will wash it off." "But it will! The best chemicals from Germany"). No conclusion, just a story of the evening.


Watchable. A crazy story with bizarre yet stylish characters. Not everyone's motivations are clear. 


In the Q&A about her profession, editor Magdalena Chowańska mentioned the Netflix algorithm: If it drags, the algorithm asks to cut but in reality movies often drag because they were shortened, because the viewer feels bored if they don't understand the film. Never is the initial script unaltered in the outcome movie. The least editing in her career has been "Supernova" because it couldn't be cut differently without damaging the movie. Scriptwriters lack visual imagination, overuse dialogue, sometimes an actor has a worse day or something else is unfeasible on set. Technology-wise, you only need a full HD screen, no bigger computer is necessary. Taking breaks is important. She once went for 2 months with nearly no sleep.



Watchable. It's a boring family drama but the girl's reactions are just like a dog's so it's all easy to understand even for the childless.


Watchable. Another family drama but this one speaks volumes about Chinese culture: one forcing to study hard and enforcing obedience to elders. 


Watchable. Poorly acted and directed which detracts from an awesome twist in the story.


Watchable. A boring, slow-paced depiction of a very mundane life.


Watchable again. An incredible story inspired by a real life incident appears in a differently animated form: from the splendid outer space, through the evocative sea, to an ugly naked fellow.


Watchable. A climate change, or maybe just a season change, drama. Poor animation, a simple story, yet with an incomprehensible ending.


Watchable. Very gay and obscene - an all-gender crowd gets aroused by a drag queen's dance... in a toilet. Only music saves the film.


Watchable. People engage in ludicrous record-beating games. No reason for that or for this film is provided.


Recommended. The lead actors are amazing in this sensual trans flick. The two actors fascinate and they manage to take you from A, through B, C, to Z with the immigrant (probably from Brazil) issue. 


Watchable. Not a genuine reconstruction of an event in Belarus, you don't know who the people are and what is happening - comprehensible only for people in the know.

The Belarussian director was a Belsat journalist 10 years earlier. Those knockings, dragging people out, took place because OMON was looking for the 2 journalists but couldn't find them. Now you can go to jail for a like under a Facebook post. 1 of the 2 journalists was let out after the 2-year sentence, the other got accused of spying and is serving an 8-year sentence now. Belsat was created as a TV broadcasting from Poland, kind-of free Europe. Now political prisoners get not 2, but 6 years in prison. The film stands no chance to be shown in Belarus, that could be risky for the audience too. In real life the girls were taken out by force, in the film they finish it on their own terms. The director has finished a full-length film about it too but with a different plot.



Watchable. Some moral preaching about how hard it is to cope with a disabled family member and institutions.


Watchable. Weird and incomprehensible, both her sexual fantasies and her fears.


Recommended. Powerful condemnation of the US healthcare system where medication prices are life threatening. Told through one person's struggle it puts you in her shoes.


Recommended. Simple, tricky, with smart dialogue.


Watchable. What an annoying kid! How are we to feel sorry for her? Well, smartly titled and scripted. The child actress ruins the message.


Watchable. Dark, tongue-in-cheek but over-the-top, implausible, contrived. The breakthrough is too physical.



Watchable. I was a bit late to the screening. To me the woman acts normal. So it's hard to see why it's a film about female autism.

Explanations came only in the Q&A. The female protagonist of this Polish film is autistic just like the male director. Her autism appears mostly under the table, in her nervous stimming, touching her face, tendency to lecture. The director's friend has a friend whose son is autistic: "a nie widać" "Doner, pokaż panu autyzm" ("but it doesn't show" "Doner, show autism to the gentleman"). Female autism is more subtle. 



Recommended. Looks beautiful, the animation sees shimmering snow and sky at times, on the big screen.


Watchable. Hard to work out the plot, who is who and what and why. But it shows the woman's strength as she opposes the military.


Recommended. Wonderfully shot with Xiaomi, visually its the company commercial.

But it has a story too, one of a career and the upper class.


Watchable. British sarcasm at its best Irish way. The set-up and the plot are a bit far-fetched, one is quite dumb so it turns vulgar. Interesting anyway.



Watchable. You don't know what it's about. Bright colours.


Recommended. A wonderful anti-natalist flick Bollywood style.


Watchable just as a short in a set. A pile of nonsense, no idea what it was meant to be about.


Watchable. An intense sociological thriller with a bit disappointing ending which doesn't conclude the story.


Watchable. A perfect depiction of Poland in the 80s: the issues, the aspirations and absurdities of the reality. The tale is served with a pinch of salt, it's comical but it leans towards a psychological family drama which ruins the film.

Most of the scriptwriting work was the protagonists' backstory.



Watchable. Old, black and white.

The film was developed from Jan Holoubek's 3rd year of Cinematography school etude. He was trying but failing in directing for many years. He's never been into cinematography though - others try to play with light and colour. But a director also works with how to frame images. He learnt most from elder schoolmates and his own mistakes. Over years he was taking small steps towards directing. His first big production was "Rojst" ("The Mire"). He had been writing for 9 years but no one had wanted those scripts. The "Rojst" ("The Mire") series is still on platforms. Now he's preproducing a miniserial about the sinking of ferry Heweliusz. 8 people survived it. He's met one of them still sailing on a ferry. They've got the script, but details, objects require rewriting. The first movie is always the worst paid, you pay to make etudes. "Wielka woda" ("High Water") is also his series. But directors don't get royalties from sold tickets. Confidentiality clauses in his contracts preclude him from revealing how much he earns. One of the Cossacks in the short caused a problem: the actor lied he could horseride so the director had to decide how to shoot on set. He chose this story because he wanted to show how unceremoniously people kill, just like that. He's actors' son but he's always been excited by the camera. He shoots in panoramic CinemaScope. He always focuses on his next project. 



Watchable. Not a particularly revelatory documentary. The only shocking bit is that evacuation of Donetsk wouldn't start until the first Pole was killed. 


Recommended. More emotional. Also, it discusses the Mariupol syndrome.


About 30 people refused interviews out of fear. When Russia encroached on Donbass, evacuation plans started on the Polish side. Lots of young people: 20-30-year-old who are in Lviv are without limbs. The first film was finished long before 24th Feb. 2024, in December 2021, the second film was being made over the whole 2022. Only two countries evacuated their citizens form Donbass in 2014/15: Poland and Israel. But in 2022 the Kharkiv consulate for all of Ukraine packed up hastily leaving Polish people behind, many died. They have nowhere to go back to, i.e. no homes.

No paper catalogue at the festival, even the voting cards had the white circles so small it was hard to write in your note. The bag I won in a draw bled black in contact with water - it had been promoted as more environmentally friendly than paper catalogues. Instead it bleeds some toxic dye, is useful if it rains - awful greenwashing. I still keep past years catalogues since they're more useful and durable.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Past year's:


Watchable. It opens with a brilliant joke by Patrick Dempsey's (wonderful in this role) character Sheriff Newlon knocking on a door looking for a guy who turns out to be a stuffed turkey. Eli Roth's slasher is obviously brutal, unfortunately he tries to emulate his earlier movies so it's not just gore, it's also spew, guts, brains falling out, even baking people alive. At least this sickening violence is sprinkled with language humour, though it all gets lost in the Polish translation. There's social satire too. Some things don't make sense, e.g. putting contact lenses in in the afternoon and without washing hands i.e. in a bedroom. The police officer knows more than he logically should.But the film follows the rules of the genre, with a red herring and the identity of the killer revealed only in the finale. The end credits express gratitude to Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. The post-credit scene is just a cut-out. I hope at least the outcome of this movie will be good for turkeys.

Friday 2 August 2024


Recommended. It may last 2 hours 58 minutes but it takes great care to present all the events plausibly, which includes extraordinary make-up rendering the story from when the protagonist was 22 to the age of 43 amazingly convincingly. You also get wonderful performances all around, no matter how big or small the role. It's a modern adaptation so there's a surprise in a little side plot. An additional surprise is a beautiful, Arabic rhythm-inspired song (the oriental melody is justified in the plot) which can be heard also during the end credits. The best adaptation of the novel to date.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Past year's:


Recommended. Post-apocalyptic sci-fi shot in Silesia. Just one human protagonist: Ewa, superbly acted by Magdalena Wieczorek. The story's smartly written by Piotr Biedroń and the main twist is Robert Sheckley-like. Also, there's a robot, not AI as it's used nowadays. The finale's tongue-in-cheek too. A relatively simple story but gripping, especially from the twist onwards. Conversations refer you to a number of paradoxes of our contemporary reality. Decent, sci-fi-appropriate music and cinematography. Make-up is top-notch too. The final credits of this budget movie are not even long but slow and, apart from a very early brief mid-credit indicating someone might be out there trying to use the radio, nothing else happens. 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Past year's:


Watchable. Hugh Laurie, Imelda Staunton, Toby Jones, Stephen Fry voice the original, nobodies dub the Polish version. At least the dialogues have received a top-notch translation by Bartek Fukiet. In spite of an ambitious music selection, "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" or "The Blue Danube" disappear, even "The Ride of the Valkyries" can be missed. The story is extended ridiculously. At least you get professional CGIs and some cultural tropes, e.g. someone's brother's name is Dorian or they fly in a car against a full moon backdrop. There's a post-credit.


Watchable. This 30-minute short opens with a fado song performed by Gaetano Veloso - a male singing in falsetto. The rest of the film is utterly gay. Overtalked.

The director, apart from giving a thorough explanation of this short, dwelled on westerns, noticing e.g. recent 3 ones made by women, but boasted of being the first (?!) to shoot a gay western. Has he not seen the Oscar-winning "Brokeback Mountain", for one? He perceives western as the American replacement for mythology so took great care to keep all its elements but tell his own story. Together with his earlier "The Human Voice", he's planning a triptych of shorts.


Walked out. It drags. And it's depressing since both the woman who's emigrated to London and the granny in Ukraine feel useless and unsuccessful in life.


About 400 people were moved in the van, but they also organised a bigger bus, there are fewer evacuations now but they still go on. Lots of uncertainty accompanied them: are you on the right road? Protagonists have told about their experience in France, Maciek Hamela has been with the movie in the US and in Asia. Foreigners often don't get this neighbourliness. This aid spurt continues till now. In some cinemas viewers have organised fundraising. The film was first funded with their own means, then PISF (Polish Film Institute) joined in the production. 


Watchable. Why have they made English subtitles if the plot isn't fully comprehensible unless you're proficient in Polish history? Bizarre cut seriously hinders understanding. The action moves to and fro in time and space, each having its own characters. I just couldn't make out those details. You do learn new facts about Auschwitz. But the rest is chaos. Evocatively shot at times, e.g when Mrs. Pilecka leaves the Security Office astounded or during his torture interrogation. The second half is hard-hitting, easier to understand in spite of continuing chaos in editing, and shows Pilecki's tragedy - his vital report from Auschwitz didn't bring any action thus his sacrifice failed to save lives.  

Reviewed from the distributor's screener, cinematic reception might differ. 

Monday 15 July 2024


Sebastian Fabijański plays the main role as Ksiądz Generał (priest general) Stanisław Brzóska. The biopic is scripted, directed and produced by Tadeusz Syka. When he was browsing historical pictures, he saw pictures with the priest from 2 years apart, in the later one his hands were shot through. When the war on Ukraine broke out he had to make the movie because Poles had had no aid at all, unlike Ukraine, so we had lost but we had won mentally. The movie was released on 12th January 2024, before the 160th anniversary of the uprising. The actors hadn't seen it before. Daniel Olbrychski hadn't been invited to Polish productions for a long time, he had played all over the world at the time. Ksawery Szlenkier in Tadeusz Syka's previous film played a priest who didn't take up arms so he was happy to reverse the role now. It's the first January Uprising movie in 30 years. Previous "Wierna rzeka" ("The Faithful River") was shot during the martial law. Olgierd Łukaszewicz (as Bishop Szymański) was cast as a link with the previous movie. No Russian uniforms could be found in all of Poland so they were sewn within 2 weeks. Tadeusz Syka has never gone to any film school but says there are many like him. The director commented on Sebastian Fabijański that with his hair shaved, in a vestment, he had resembled a priest "aż niektórzy na planie szli do niego do spowiedzi" ("so much that some people on set would go to a confession at his"). The production fulfilled the requirements of green filming: costumes were recycled, made over. 4200 Polish zlotys were received from Szkoła Podstawowa im. Stanisława Brzóski (a primary school bearing the priest's name) who had been baking and selling cakes for a week to fund the movie. A Ukrainian acted as the Russian major. The movie was promoted with a song based on Maria Konopnicka's poem. 

Sunday 7 July 2024


Recommended. I did some reading on Richard Ramirez before the movie - wrong approach, he's not even named in the flick. It''s a sequel to "X" but footage is shown so no need to have seen it earlier, but if you have, "MaXXXine" is more fun. I wish I could pause and analyse every little scene in the first act. There are plenty of Easter eggs. A Bette Davis quote opens the movie. Maxine puts out a cigarette on Theda Bara's star - the actress was a silent era sex symbol, she used to depict vamps - women who destroy men. A Wonder Woman cosplayer poses for pictures in the streets of Hollywood - the series was aired in 1975-1979. There's also a verbal reference to Elizabeth Short, an aspiring actress, never in a movie, who became famous as "The Black Dahlia" after she was murdered and her naked body bisected. On the other hand, it's a fact Demi Moore and a few other actresses were in horrors at the early stage of the career. So was Kevin Bacon, who actually appears as the sleuth in "MaXXXine". The 80s star is underrated but a true gem. The movie's rich in context both externally and internally within the trilogy. The club scene hears "Welcome To The Pleasuredome": "Love your body even when it's old" in the lyrics is relevant to the story in "X". But the film plays also with current social changes, e.g. the issue of putting responsibility on the victim: "Maybe she should save herself. I did." - though this point is ambiguously depicted in the plot. But most of all it's a satire on Hollywood, where serious undertones mix with Hollywood-style fun: "Whatever it is in your life that's distracting you, squash it." - well, a serial killer is a bit of a distraction - and where everyone wants to be a movie star, even a police officer. With a consistent story. Smartly edited. There's a post-credit which confirms it's all about Tinseltown. 


Watchable. A horror rooted in Irish folk tales. The human characters, especially Madeleine, are magnetic. The changelings are trite with their elongated, tree-like silhouettes and shrieks. Ishana Night Shyamalan's movie based on A. M. Shine's novel is truly original in terms of the story but insufficiently justified, especially the finale. The discovery should finish the film and leave you with that shock. 


Watchable. Much better than the trailer which indicated an ordinary horror. This one is more original and barely a horror, more of a supernatural crime thriller. Old tropes like a psychic, a doll, a satanic cult are combined in a brand new story. Atmospheric, even if on the slow side, it uses sound effects well which works in an Atmos-sound screening room at least. Nicolas Cage is amazing as Longlegs - one of his best performances, if not the best. The investigation is engaging. Towards the end, the agent's world goes upside down - a recent cinematographic way to show an upcoming twist of her position. 


Watchable. The opening scene imitates the one from "Mayday". But you realise later the context is totally different. This supposed comedy isn't funny at all, blood-chilling rather at times. Well, the first 50 minutes are a bit incoherent in terms of plot, filled with silly conversations but feature beautifully shot lap dances. Then the action takes a criminal turn. So first you watch for the visuals, then for the suspense and twists of action. All the female actors, especially the three leads: Magdalena Perlińska, Kinga Jasik, Joanna Opozda are amazing, their male counterparts less so. Jan Wieczorkowski as Wolf ruins many scenes with his high-pitched, squeaky voice. And they're certainly no comedy actors. None of them. A good soundtrack but often played together with dialogues means you have to try to ignore either and many lines are barely audible. My little pet hate within the movie is that first you're told - correctly - that with a gun in your mouth you can only utter vowels. Later Wolf says that it's consonants. The whole film is engaging enough but not exactly fun.